I started my journey as an Internet Marketer in Sept 2007. I have been at it for a year now and I am using this blog to consolidate what I have gone through and do some reflection on it at the same time. I also hope to share with you my experiences and if you are thinking of making BIG $$ as an Internet Marketer, it is a long journey and I am still travelling there......
Friday, September 26, 2008
High Traffic Generated in September
I was checking my traffic statistics in the cPanel and is quite surprised by the consistent high traffic generated for September.
It definite breaks my record to-date and I will share with you more details after the end of this month.
I have also been taping my friend's brain on how he managed to earn 10 times my income in IM..... ha..ha..ha...
I am now trying out backing-up my SQL database to migrate to a new web hosting server.
I hope you are also making good progress at your end.
Take care!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Minimum Operating Cost for A Web Site
One year passed by, and I need to renew my domain name and also transfer my web hosting to another one as I have been given the first year free web hosting by the IM Workshop company. So the minimum operating cost to maintain a paid web hosting site should be as follows :
* Domain name USD 10 per year
* Web Host USD 8 per mth
So the total is at least USD ( 10 + 8 x 12 ) = USD106 a year
Of course, if you use Blogger and it is FREE then no cost at all but I have a paid hosted site and 6 sites on Blogger too.
The Gurus will recommend a paid web hosted site using WordPress as it is more flexible and more plugins, etc........
Though I am making income from both types of sites, I am still reluctant to sink in too much cost unless I have a good niche product to sell so I have been experimenting a lot using Blogger FREE site instead and there are limitations.
So if you are new to IM, I hope the above give you some ideas on the operating cost which is still so much cheaper than a physical shop business as the rental and physical goods will be a huge capital to handle.
I have already renewed my domain name and also going to use Hostgator as it is highly recommended. I am using namesecure for registering my domain name so you may want to check it out too as I have no problem with them to-date.
I am now looking into how to back up my databases or files etc for transfer from the old to new web hosting server.
Of course, you can do Affiliate Marketing without a web site so your operating cost could be ZERO if you choose to start on this business model first.
But I think it could be tougher and logically, it is just too good to be true that you need not even come out with some small capital to make money....???
Take care!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
My 1st Anniversary in Internet Marketing Business
24 Sept last year, my friend & I started our first IM workshop and subscribed to our first domain name during the session. Time flies and we met yesterday to celebrate our 1st anniversary in our Internet Marketing business.
While we attended the same workshop together, we have our own ideas and approaches. Though initially, he suggested that we be partners and consolidate our resources to start an IM business but I was not interested as I like to do it my way.....!
So where do we stand today?
Both of us choose different product to work on, naturally. He chose a product that he has no experience on but reckon that people would like it as it is helping them to make $$ but I chose a product that is more of a hobby ( that I am familiar with ).
Looking back, he has chosen a better product that appeals to the public or customers whereas I have chosen a popular but maybe too competitive product to sell.
Other than the paid website using WordPress with the same theme that we used in our IM workshop and using the same domain name for our respective product, I also build another 6 blogs using Blogger ( which is FREE! ) and tried other techniques in traffic generation, etc....
Comparing notes yesterday, I definitely have put in more efforts and did more as I have a bit more time than him to pursue our IM business and we both have made some $$ from Adsense and Affiliate Marketing.
However, he did better in both areas as he has a more saleable or attractive product that the public wants. His earnings is 10 times more than mine...!!!
SO the conclusion from this experience is that choosing the right niche product is very important even if you are not familiar with it.
I have researched on how to choose a niche product and there are a few tools out there to look at trends, searches in Google, Yahoo, etc..... Also, read some reports by IM gurus.
There is no hard and fast rule and it is still a gut feel or taking your chances and a fair bit of luck, in my opinion.
However, after buying the Micro Niche Finder software tool, I find it more helpful and traffic generation is easier too as I am more conscious of the keyword to use, etc....
So my plan of action for the coming months is to search for a few niche products using what I have learned from a report and with the niche finder tool, I aim to generate higher earnings by targetting the right customer segment or market out there.
Adsense earnings sholuld continue with continuous postings to my sites by maintaining a constant or increasing traffic to my current sites.
So Stay Focus, Plan & Do It...!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Affiliate Marketing - Another IM Business Model
I am now quite comfortable with what I have done with Adsense to earn some income so I am now moving on or rather focusing on another IM business model.
This is known as Affiliate Marketing, where you are basically like a saleman and get commission for recommending a product or service and earning a commission from it.
The commission can be as high as 70% so one sale can easily exceed your Adsense earning, based on my experience so far.
You do not need to own a product or service.
In fact, you can go into Affiliate Marketing without a blog or a website too!
But you, definitely, need to join an Affiliate like ClickBank which claims to be the Internet's largest digital marketplace, where thousands of the web's most popular products are sold every day.
Register yourself with ClickBank as it is free and start searching the marketplace for products to sell.
So how do you sell the product without a blog or website?
Well, register yourself with US Free Ads and then post an advertisement on your product.
Use US FREE Classifieds to buy, sell or advertise anything!
It is Free but then I upgraded it to a membership of US$10 a year to gain more flexibility. But you can try it out on the Free membership first. ( I think the video from Micro Niche Finder will show you how to do it if I remember it correctly. )
There are 2 sources of income now from Adsense and Affiliate Marketing; these are the 2 very common IM business models.
I am going to focus on this in the coming months.
So have a go at it too....... good luck!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
A Day's Adsense Earning
I like to share with you one of my day's Adsense earning.
I could not sleep so I woke up very early last Sat morning around 5.30am ( I usually sleep in later during the weekends ).
I started to review my 7 blogs and did some enhancements to them. Then I spent the day with my family as usual and did little IM work....ha...ha....
I checked my statistics and earnings this Sun evening and I am delighted to see some Adsense earnings from a blog that I have just enhanced.
In short, the model of blogging with Adsense that I have shared with you earlier on, works!
But you should have multiple blogs so that the earnings will be multiplied.
This is only one source of income so you also need to work on other models of IM like Affiliate Marketing.

Part of your work will be to monitor the status of your IM business and do some analysis and then plan you next move or actions to improve your business or traffic or conversion to sales.
I am motivated by the above earnings though to some of you, it may be too small or not worth your effort......right? If you feel so then I think you should not be in IM as you have to start with small income and then work on multiplying it.
Hard work.....? Yes, but it helps if you enjoy what you are doing and believe in it.
Stay Focus, Plan and Do It.....!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
How To Identify A Niche Product ?
I am back from my short holiday but recovering from a mild flu and it is no fun to be sick!
Ok, so how do we identify a Niche Product ?
Your friends or instructor would have told you to do searches in Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc..... to look at the trends and the no. of searches, etc...... Then copy the results into an Excel spreadsheet and do some computation to determine if this is a niche product.
I tried the approaches and I was getting nowhere so I started to look for a one-stop solution and came across a niche finder software, called Micro Niche Finder.
After having gone through all the techniques on IM like building blogs, driving traffic, etc..... I finally come to the conclusion that you must be working in the right niche market else no point.
A good example is the efforts put in between my friend & I. My friend has earned more than me to-date. We just compared it in our emails today!
When we shared with each other what we have done to-date, I have put in more effort and my blog looks better than his and more content too. I even have to advise him to make some improvement as it was such a glaring mistake.
So why is he having more sale than I?
We come to the conclusion that his product is more niche than mine and I agree. I have chosen a product that I have passion for whereas he has chosen a product that the people wants and the product was even new to him!
Got it?
So identifying a niche product or market and then try it out as there is also no guarantee. If it does not work, choose another one and try again, again, again and again....
Even if you got a right product, you have to contiue to look for more niche products to work on as it does not end there.
Coming back to the problem of how to identify a niche product or market, I feel I needed help and I am happy to have found this niche finder software, Micro Niche Finder.
After I bought it, I tried out the selected product and true enough..... traffic was easily attracted to that blog as it is a problem that the people are looking for an answer.
So you can then choose to use a few IM business model to make sales; eg write PLR for sale or/and affiliate marketing on this product, etc.....
However, please bear in mind that you still have to do a lot of hard work based on what you have learned, all those techniqes that I mentioned in my earlier postings.
Nothing fall out from the sky.
Example. If you are told that XYZ is a hot item but if you do not know how to rent and run a shop, it could be a bit late or very tough to start learning now. That is why you are unlikely to make $$ in the first few months or even a year as you have to learn the business too.
Well, I have learned the basics of IM business models and have tried them out and I am ready to go to the next step and use the niche finder software to help me push my earnings to the next level!
By the way, you can view a set of FREE videos on how to use the Micro Niche Finder software before you proceed to buy it. That was what I did.
The videos also shows you 5 ways of making profits with the niche finder software, so check it out.
Stay Focus, Plan and Do It..!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
You Need A Niche Product or Market
My friend who attended the same IM workshop with me last year and also earning a bit more than me in his Adsense, visited me yesterday afternoon.
We have a chat and compared notes on what we have been doing and how to increase our earnings, of course.
In the process of showing him all my blogs and my efforts in Affiliate Marketing, Adsense, etc.... we both realized that I have done much more than him but somehow his IM income is more than mine!
While luck may be an element in it, I come to the conclusion that his product is more niche and so have more sale conversion event though his traffic is less than mine too..!
So what does it mean?
Well, I am going away for the weekend and will return next week fresh in my mind with a new strategy to work on......
No excuses but my Dad is visiting me and has been staying with me for a week now, and I have been taking him out daily. Sso what I have been doing is just to keep up with my posting and monitoring the traffic generated, which was the highest to-date ( read my earlier posting ).
So got to pack for my short holiday now.... flying off tomorrow morning!
Take care!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Highest Traffic Generated
So the challenge is to sustain and improve the number of unique visitors and frankly, my numbers are still considered small. But my earnings are trickling in so I need to work on it further and be patient.
Seriously, grab your copy of Atomic Blogging and Adsense Secrets guidebooks as I think they helped me a lot.
So Stay Focus, Plan and Do It..!