Thursday, October 30, 2008

Atomic Blogging Special Offer !


If you missed my earlier posting on the above offer, check this out and ACT NOW!

I bought it early this year and I would recommend it to you if you are new to blogging.

I now have 8 blogs and 6 of them are generating some income for me.

Watch the video and hopefully, it will help you decide NOW rather than later, in order to take advantage of his discount given during a short period only.

Happy Blogging...!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Become A Squidoo Lensmaster


You may want to try out Squidoo which is similar to Blogger, and it is FREE!

Squidoo is a single page that you can write about a specific topic of interest, just like a blog too...

It is quite simple as you are guided as to what you can put in; eg. text, video, etc... It is a bit more restricted compared to Blogger but you may feel that it is guided step by step so cannot go wrong.

But how do we make money...?

Well, there are 2 ways of making money with Squidoo:

1. Splitting of income - when visitors come into your lens and click on a link leading to them to buy a product or Google Adsense, income will be generated similar to your blogging.

However, Squidoo will split this income as follows : 5% goes to charity, 50% foes to you, the lensmaster, and 45% goes to Squidoo.

2. Link it to Affiliate Product - you can use Squidoo as another avenue to direct traffic to your affiliate website or any sites that you are earning money.

The second method was taught to me by the author of the Micro Niche FInder tool when I bought it. He actually teaches you how to make $ using his tool so that you can benefit from the purchase of his tool.

Anyway, check out Squidoo here as it may suits you and it is not that difficult to use.

I have created 2 lenses and started to make some money already and also giving part of it to charity at the same time, so why not have a go at it.

Focus, Plan & Do It..!


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Be A Member of Forums or Communities To Drive Traffic


Besides putting videos on your site, you can also join related forums or communities and participate in their discussions etc....

But it really helps if you are genuinely interested in the topics or areas of interest...

It is also very time consuming as you have to log into the forums and try to say something sensible and not always pushing your website or product. Otherwise, you may be told off or to leave the forum or community.

I am a member of a few communities that I have some interest so it is more tolerable and I get lots of emails daily. At times, I just browse through them or delete them without reading them.

However, I did get some useful info and learned a thing or two from the members as they are genuinely willing to share their info and experiences in those areas.

I do get lucky and on a few occassions, I could also share what I know and direct them to my sites. But I am sincere about it so it helps else you may look like a saleman or a hypocrite..!

In fact, I think one of my sites suddenly got very heavy traffic and it is the 2nd highest Adsense income source now, very much to my surprise!

So if you could find a relevant forum or community to join, you may want to try out this approach.

Good luck!


Friday, October 24, 2008

Video Helps To Drive Traffic


Recently, I decided to make a video for one of my sites on a niche area and I believe this video has helped drive quite a lot of traffic to my site.

If you are not familiar with video or You Tube, please go there to have a look. You can practically find almost anything there.

I was surprised that my teenage son and his friends are learning how to play guitar from You Tube.

Just a quick guide on how to cut and paste the You Tube video on your site.

I will assume that you have registered with You Tube and uploaded your video so here is how you copied the embedded code , as shown below, and then paste it into your site.

This a sample of a video that I retrieved to illustrate on what I have been talking about.

Below is the final result after I have pasted the embedded code into this posting.

A tip for you :

It is very easy to make a video today as you can do it with a digital camera that has a video function and you can easily transfer the video from the media used in the digital camera, eg SD Card, and upload it to You Tube through your PC.

You do not need to buy an expensive videocam.

I am using my son's digital camera that cost us a few hundred dollars only.

Have fun and stay focus, plan it and do it!


Sunday, October 19, 2008

How To Get RICH Working From Home!


I came across this report or eBook which gives you 3 business models on working from home.

The 3 business models are :

* eBay

* Affiliate Marketing

* Selling Your Own Product

I am sure you want some guidance on these business models, right?

There are 5 bonuses that come with this eBook; 3 audio or MP3 and 2 additional reports. The audios cover topics like Affiliate Marketing, Driving Traffic and Copywriting.The reports cover Affiliate Marketing and Sales Copy.

Besides, this wealth of information to help you start working from home only cost USD9.97 ONLY!

Isn't it value for money?

I bought it a few days ago and I have already read all the reports; a total of about 169 pages. I listened to the audio by downloading them into my MP3 player and listend to them on the go.

Affiliate Marketing report covers topics like Web 2.0 resources and website strategy. The Sales Copy report is a great guide on how to write a sales copy or letter. The audios also complement them very well with additional information.I learned so much from them as there are quite a lot of details given there.

Don't you want these information too?

If you are thinking of get some income from working at home or even part-time in the evening after work, this report or eBook will give you a good overview of what it involves.

Don't you want a headstart?

If you are like me, a novice in Internet Marketing or Business, you will get more tips on how to further your business and get more traffic and income.

Don't you want to improve your internet business performance?

Click here NOW to get get your copy - How To Get Rich Working From Home!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Atomic Blogging Special Offer !


I just received the email below from the Author of Atomic Blogging and he is offering a further discount of $10 so it is a good opportuity for you to grab a copy of it.

I believe the contents will be of great help to you in your IM initiatives.

I bought early this year and still referring to it today.

So click here NOW - Atomic Blogging!

Below is the original email I received :


Hey Dave,

Has been a while since I drop you a message.

I been reading the news lately and I know many of you guys in the USA are real affected by housing and money.

And I know if you just have this blogging guide of mine called "Atomic Blogging" it would change your life as thousands did from using my proven system.

Here's What Others Got To Say About The Guide ==========================================

"Over the last three months after purchasing Atomic Blogging, traffic to my blog as quadrupled.

Now I am integrating more offers into the blog to monetize it and testing methods of improving my subscriber base. Thanks Alvin!"

Kevin Davis - United States


For a limited number of copies only. I will be releasing my guide for only US$37 that's $10 additional off the original price .

Once I have hit 100 copies I would be removing the page!

Alvin Phang

Maxwell House
20 Maxwell Road #09-17
Singapore 069113


So click here NOW - Atomic Blogging!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Web Hosting Options


My friend asked me to review another web hosting company before we both sign up for Hosgator to migrate our sites.

Apparently, it could be more user friendly and may give better value for money.

I have also done a second back-up of my sql database and Wordpress files, succesfully this time! I can share this info with you once I have successful migrated my site. I actually did a simple guide for my friend to follow. Since I am more IT literate and have more time to explore, I am taking the lead in this proejct of ours.

At the same time, I have been busy reviewing my 7 sites or blogs and enhancing the layouts. Hopefully, it will get me more Adsense and Affiliate incomes; this is like revamping or redecorating your physical store but at much lesser or no cost other than your time spent on it. Of course, I also need to study my traffic patterns and see what can be done.

Also, browsing through a lot of downloaded reports etc that I got over the past year. See if I have missed out anything.....sometimes, I may get a useful tip and I will try it out. I am thinking of compiling those FREE reports etc and see if I can share them with you. Saving you some time of going through what I have been over the initial months into IM; eg subscribe to a lot of sites or 'gurus' and gettting their reports but eventually, there is no freebies as they want to sale you their products or mentoring services...ha...ha....ha...

I stop subscribing to them now and better spend my time to market my own IM business instead; eg I wrote an article and published it to the article directories yesterday to generate traffic for my new site or blog.

BTW, my friend emailed me that he just got another affiliate sale recently....! Good for him and it means I better catch up with him....ha...ha.... We keep each other updated to motivate each other... so some sort of friendly competition and we also share some tips that we believe are working for us. Though it may work for his site and not mine as we are dealing with different niche areas.

So remember to Stay Focus, Plan and DO IT...!

Have a great day too!


Saturday, October 11, 2008

A $8 Lesson For You !


If you are new to IM, you may want to consider investing $8 to make this purchase and learned form him some techniques; eg. his sale page, landing page, payment going through Paypal, etc.....

I have bought something from Roth when I first started and I think you need to spend some money as part of your learning process. Anything below $10 is reasonable if you believe you can get something out of it.

Below is his sale pitch ...

"Here I am just days before my 28th birthday and the only thing I really want is to leave you with a few nuggets of information that helped take me from an $8.50 per hour cook to someone that 8-figure celebrity-name marketers email either with kudos and congratulations or for critiques and feedback ... and someone who is charging $199/hour for his time (big jump from $8.50!)."

For a mere $8, I believe you should check it out and see how he does it and learn from him.

So click below now!

From $8.50/hr cook to $199/hr internet expert... he's celebrating his birthday with a LIFETSYLE sale... only $8 (comes with a $800 Money Back Guarantee!)



Friday, October 10, 2008

Niche Product or Keywords

I have been spending a lot of time researching for niche products and keywords lately and I feel that I have bought the right tool to help me compare to my previous approaches of going to use the searches natively and then do your own computation or anlaysis.

I also bought a cheap tool that did not work but I ask for a refund and got it immediately. I even suspected that it could be a scam. The reason being that it was so cheap and when I complained that it did not work, the seller just said that other buyers did not have my problem and did not offer any technical support. I suppose people like them may be hoping that since the purchase price is quite small or his claim that it works for others, the buyer will not pursue the matter further....?

So do be careful as there is not such thing as good and cheap..!

But at the end of the day , it is still a tool to help you and not a miracle finder for niche products to make money for you. You still have to spend time to do your research and then make some decision on whether you want to have a go at what you have researched.

Here is a screen print of the tool and to share with you the features that I find useful :

I key in what I want to search for and it will return a list of the related or relevant results with some statistics on the no. of searches and also a colour indicator, as shown on the extreme right, to help you gauge whether there is competition or a good choice to work on.

There is a guide to teach you on how to use these results generated and also videos on how to use the results you have chosen and how to put them into the Internet; eg using US Free Ads.

You can also download or extract the results into an Excel spreadsheet and work on it further, as shown below.

I was given 2 licences or key to activate the software. When I did some recovery on my notebook back to factory default, I used the 2nd key. I wrote to the software owner or seller about my situation , they activated my 1st key for use again.

So in my opinion, I feel this is a good tool and I am happy with it todate. In fact, in one of the expensive programmes being sold, this tool is given FREE and the company sent all the current buyers an email to explain his business collaboration and not that we have been conned.

So what are you waiting for...?

Check out this tool - the Micro Niche Finder NOW!


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Backing Up My Blog Content


I believe I have mentioned that I have renewed my domain name and looking into moving my website to another web hosting server, and also shared with you the minimum operating cost to maintain a paid website.

So I have tried backing up my blog content and was not so successful during the first try. However, I shared the same procedure with my friend and he did it successfully. I must find some time to re-do the back-up this week.

This is the first step and subsequently, I have to upload it to the new web hosting server which I think could be more complicated...?

At the same time, I am also looking to set up another new site for another niche product using the tool I bought. And also review my Affiliate Marketing initiatives.

I have some distractions the past week so not focusing so well on my plan..ha...ha...ha

Remember my motto ..... Stay Focus, Plan & Do It...!

Take care!


Friday, October 3, 2008

Google Adsense PIN


I just received a mail from Google to activate my payment process by entering a pin in my Adsense account.

This is to enable Google to send me my payment for the earnings from my Adsense.

I am sure looking forward to my first cheque payment from them.....

So my friends, income from Google Adsense is a simple and proven IM business model.

However, it is not a guarantee source of income as you need to blog and attract visitors into your sites and hopefully, you have something to offer and they will also click on your published Google Ads.

Sorry, no free lunch here....

BUT it definitely works as my first Adsense income started coming in the first few months of my blogging. Then you need to work harder to grow your income...

It is like putting a seed into the soil, water it daily and then a plant emerges from it. Whether it will grow tall and strong will depends on the effort you have put in maintaining the plant, Hopefully, it will eventually bear you some fruits and either many fruits or one big fruit...!

Have a good weekend!


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Traffic Generation - Another High in Sept


Much to my surprise, my traffic for the month of Sept hit a record for my website.

So what did I do?

* I did a posting to my website daily except for a few days in the month

* I submit one article to the 10 Article Directories but not all of them publish it though

* One site emailed me to exchange link and his site is more established than mine so it is to my advantage

* I am more particular on the topic I am writing or posting to my website; ie not just general info but info to solve people problem or address their concerns

However, I just lost my Page Rank of 2 on my website though...???

One thing for sure, is that the more time and effort you put into your website or blog, I believe you will get better results.

I was targetting to hit 1,000 unique visitors in Spet but only got 925 which is the highest count to-date.

I am working towards hitting 1,000 but I am worried that I may lost my visitors during the coming migration of my site to a new web hosting server if I screwed up during the transition.

So how are you doing in your blogging?

Stay Focus, Plan & Do It ....
