Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Traffic Generation - Another High in Sept


Much to my surprise, my traffic for the month of Sept hit a record for my website.

So what did I do?

* I did a posting to my website daily except for a few days in the month

* I submit one article to the 10 Article Directories but not all of them publish it though

* One site emailed me to exchange link and his site is more established than mine so it is to my advantage

* I am more particular on the topic I am writing or posting to my website; ie not just general info but info to solve people problem or address their concerns

However, I just lost my Page Rank of 2 on my website though...???

One thing for sure, is that the more time and effort you put into your website or blog, I believe you will get better results.

I was targetting to hit 1,000 unique visitors in Spet but only got 925 which is the highest count to-date.

I am working towards hitting 1,000 but I am worried that I may lost my visitors during the coming migration of my site to a new web hosting server if I screwed up during the transition.

So how are you doing in your blogging?

Stay Focus, Plan & Do It ....


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