Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Earn Adsense Income From Your Blog


As I was recovering the files from my PC virus attack ( read my earlier post if you miss it), I came across these screen shots of my Adsense earnings.

I think I should share it with you else you may think I am one of the many who just learn from theory and talk a lot but have not taken any actions.....ha...ha...ha...

I was getting $0.62 from Adsense for Content and $0.07 for Adsense for Search, a total of $0.69 ! Looks quite miserable but it is a start after a few months of blogging without paying much attention to Adsense.

Months later, there was some movements as I focus on Adsense and follow some of the tips given in the Adsense guide I purchased.

I have increased my earnings to a total of $7.03 ! Not too bad as I did not have to really put in effort to market it and it is on auto-pilot.

For some of you out there, you may think that this is not worth your effort .....? Well, you have to work on it further to increase the earnings then! Nothing is free or just fall out from no where!

All you need to do is just follow these steps :

1. Select a topic or theme for your blog
2. Post your articles; own articles or from Article Directories
3. Apply for Adsense account, if none yet
4. Post the Adsense code on your site
5. Continue to generate traffic by posting articles
6. Continue to generate traffic by submiting your own articles to Article Directories
7. Move your Adsense code around your site if you did not purchase the Adsense Guide I recommended, by trial and error, to select the effective placement site
8. Check your Adsense account for earnings periodically; like alternate days or weekly

Repeat the above for another blog.

So if you can earn $10 on Adsense for one blog then create multiple blogs on different topics; eg $10 x 10 blogs = $100

Not too difficult but there is no guarantee , of course!

So I believe this is one Internet Marketing model that works......Believe me, this is no bullshit!

If you still have not taken any action yet on blogging and still evaluating on it or trying to put up a good business case on the returns, you are missing the opportunities awaiting you .....

You have to start and there is always a learning curve ......

I was lucky to have started get some adsense income as early as last Dec though it was very small... It has to start somewhere!

In fact, I am very encouraged by my Dad who asked me today on how I am doing in my IM business venture. I told him that the earnings are coming in small and slow but I am working on it.

He said small is better than nothing... !

Good luck as you do need some too.


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Reading Emails Can Be Unproductive !


I thought I should share with you this simple unproductive habit of ours which we may not noticed.

I spend at least 1/2 hour reading emails daily and this mean it will also eat into my Internet Marketing time.... I should be working on it and generating traffic and income instead..right?

I used to almost read emails every hour in the office until I told myself to only read them 4 times a day; eg start of work in the morning, before and after lunch, and finally at the end of the day.

Then when I reach home, I log on to my PC and read my personal emails from friends, family and Internet Marketing subscriptions.....

The trick or tip is to prioritise your emails and choose to read what are important to you and worth your time as you are likely to have 1 to 2 hours in the evening only. Please do not forget to spend time with you love ones at home; be it your parents, spouse or kids!

I used to subscribe to quite a few IM subscriptions and I now filter them to Junk mail or moved to a folder for future reference.

What do I mean?

Some subscriptions or most of them can be unsubscribed so please do so after you realise that you do not need it. For the others that I cannot control, I set them to be blocked and auto-move to Junk mail.

But the unfortunate thing is that I dare not auto-delete the junk mail folder as there are times I have valid emails that were filtered wrongly by the system or Outlook software. So I still browse thro' it fairly fast as it could be an average of 50+ junk emails a day!

Now for those emails still in the Inbox, after reading those from family and friends, I will only read those subscriptions emails that are relevant to the IM project that I am working on and move the rest to a folder for later reading ( or when I am working on that topic or area of interest ).

Am I making sense to you?

Anyway, just mind your time as when you sign up for a lot of freebies from the Internet Marketers, they have you on their email lists and they will bombard you with emails and promote their products to you. Some can be genuine stuff that you are interested so you may still have to sieve thro' them.

But you know what?

I hate those emails that attract my attention by saying it is valid for 24 hours only or only a few copies left etc..... After some time, I realize that it is just a sale tactic to get you excited and force you to jump into it ......

So beware of how you spend your precious time and reading emails can really be very unproductive.....

I am still facing this challenge though I believe I have improved a lot since last Dec...

Stay Focus, Plan and Do It..!


Monday, August 25, 2008

Article Marketing


I believe that Article Marketing is a very effective tool to generate traffic to your website.

Earlier, I spoke about going to Article Directories to extract articles to post into your blog if you cannot write your own postings or need the volume or content to populate your site.

So Article Marketing is the reverse of it......

What do I mean?

Now you write articles and publish them into directories for people to pick them up and post them into their blogs.

How it works is that you have your author biodata or info at the end of the article and you actually lead them to your blogs or sites.

It is not that difficult to write articles especially if it is of interest to you otherwise the trick or tip I was given is to read other articles or books and then re-write them in your own words.

To-date, I have written 8 articles and published them in 10 article directories. Initially, they do drive up the traffic and I monitor the statistics closely but not so much now. THe reason being that I am trying another method now but it does not mean that I have stopped writing article for a specific topic if I need to.

Once you start writing one article and publish it to 10 directories, you will get the hang of it and just repeat the process.

I can write a draft of a topic within 1/2 hour and then take a break and return to review and finlaize it within the next hour or the following day. If you are concerned about spelling or sentence strucutre, write your article in Word and turn on the spelling check, etc.....

I just found out that it can also lead to another marketing technique which I will share with you later. I am now working on it .....

Do not worry about your bad English and not knowing the how to write as the people reading it are just normal people like us and your teachers, lecturers etc.....

Try it out as I believe this is an important tool that you should use to generate your traffic to your site and also lead you to another marketing technique.

Good luck!


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Traffic Generation


I have been busy recovering my notebook to working condition over the past few days and still watching the Olympics too....

Anyway, back to my IM Journey again!

I spent the initial months just building up my website and did not pay much attention to income generation etc.....

What do I mean?

Well, after setting up the foundation of the website ( ie registering a name and domain, etc...), I spent almost every other day if not daily just extracting Ezines articels and posting them into my website.

I could be posting as many as 10 articles at one time as I believe that I need to build up my site with content else no one would visit it.


Because I choose a product that I was interested, I actually read all the articles and learned a lot in the process too. Otherwise, it would have been very boring and tedious as I could be doing this for an hour or two late into the night.

It was only in March, after 4 months of building my contents, that I started to seriously looking into how to get traffic into my website.

It was then that I refer to Atomic Blogging and the very expensive IM programme that I bought in Dec for guidance. Some of the techniques were Article Marketing, social networking, registering my website,....

If you are using WordPress in a paid host server environment, you should be using Cpanel to monitor the traffic else you can use a free statistic tracker like StatCounter, refer to the right column where I have Unique Visitor figures shown. You can also request for a weekly and monthly report sent to you through email.

The challenge is really to get lots of traffic and then hope for conversion to some sale or Adsense income. Monitoring the traffic statistics is exciting and can be stressful too...!

Then you may want to finetune your website here and there and see if it helps in the traffic generation.

Here are my statistics for one site and I have the highest figure in Mar and I tried to push it the following months but it did not happened. I took 2 weeks off for an overseas holiday in Jun though I still managed to do some postings as we are doing business on the Internet so it is 7x24 and anywhere anytime as long as you have access to the Internet. But I lost some momentum though!

I am now starting to push again and trying some new techniques too...... and reviewing what I have been doing all these months.... This is one of the reasons I am writing this blog as I am also appraising my efforts as I recollect what I have been working all the past months.

So my friend, I hope you have found the information I have been sharing with you useful and I am planning and working on my next move to generate more income.

Take care!


Sunday, August 17, 2008

Backup Your Work !


My notebook was attacked by a spyware or malware this morning and I was so confident that I have all the necesary software to trap and remove it.

BUT I was wrong as my notebook is showing me a blue screen after logon and after some quick initial attempts to recover it, it is still dead ......Sigh.....

So my dear friends, please do your back-ups regularly especially your work files and importantly, please keep a hardcopy of all the registrations, logon Id and Passwords; eg Paypal, blog sites, etc....

Also, make sure you have the basic anti-virus, anti-spyware, etc to protect your notebook though it could still be a bit unlucky that the malware or spyware comes to attack your notebook unless you surf a lot in the Internet.

In case, you think that it is going to cost you a lot, there are a lot of free and proven software that are for home use only but not for commercial use; Adware, Avast, AVG, etc....

If you have another desktop PC or notebook then at least, you have another back-up equipment.

I immediately setup my email account so that I can communicate with the outside world and also use it to update my postings; referring to my hardcopy of logon ID and Passwords!

I am now writing this on my desktop PC while I slowly figure out how to best recover my notebook and not do anything rash....!

Worst case, I will have to reformat the harddisk and re-install all the softwares and backup files but I will lose all my emails as I do not have an off-site backup copy for this.

So please remember to protect your PC and make regular back-ups.



Friday, August 15, 2008

Adsense Guide Book


In Mar 08, I started to look into Adsense seriously and realiszed that there was some small income coming in since Dec 07 and I hardly did anything or put in effort into it.

So I decided to explore this opportunity further.

And I found this manual on Adsense and decide to buy it since it was within my budget. I am glad to say that it is very informative and help me to fine tune the Adsense on my blogs and since then the earnings have improved.

There are 3 Parts in the guidebook and it is worth the money spent as it has 228 pages of rich information and a lot of areas in Adsense that I am not aware of and unlikely to get it through just surfing the Internet or reading borrowed books from the community libraries.

The updated version of this best selling book is called AdSense Secrets 4.0 .

I am still referring to it now and then and, recently, shared some info with my friend who has an unusual surge in his Adsense earnings and wanted to push more for it.

It is usually sold at $97.00 or it is claimed that the contents are worth more than that. But I managed to get it for less than $10.00 only.

The author has completely revised and extended AdSense Secrets 4.0 for 2008 to include all the latest AdSense cash-sucking strategies and techniques that allow him to continue earning over $500/day in passive AdSense income!

For a limited time, he was offering AdSense Secrets v4.0 for just $9.95!

Now you know why I said it is within my budget and and 228 pages of helpful information for that sum of monies.... I grabbed it before he withdrew the offer.

I cannot guarantee that his offer is still available but why don't you check it out at this link
Adsense Secrets NOW!

Good luck, go and pick up a copy of AdSense Secrets 4.0 right NOW and I hope it is still priced at this amazing bargain of $9.95.

You'll be able to instantly download your copy and begin implementing the same strategies and techniques that could generate incredible passive income!

This is really one of the best Internet Marketing resources that I have bought to-date.

Good luck and take care!


P/S In fact, I have been spending some time over the passt few days to review my Adsense postings to catch up with my friend's sudden surge in Adsense earnings. We have some sort of friendly competition here....

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Your Blog - Virtual Shop


So are you distracted by the ongoing Olympics?

Well, let me remind you that your blog is actually your virtual shop so you still need to manage it and not take too long a break.....!

The good part of this business is that you do not need to go down to your shop physically to open it and man it. You can do it from the comfort of your home or even in public places where Internet is accessible and this virtual shop of yours is running 7 days a week and 24 hours a day ( ie 7 x 24 )!

There is a newspaper article reporting on what they call Blogshops. Enterprising teenagers are setting up blogshops to sell almost anything, new world of doing business online. Blogshops are easy to run, cheap and fun so most teens are turning online enterpreneurs.....

The paper reported that 40% of the blogspots surveyed are runned by teens. About 40% spent 4-10 hours a week maintaining their sites. Over 30% pour more than 20 hours a week into their businesses.

So what are their products?

They sell everything from 2nd hand clothes to customized shoes and handmade jewellery.

Blogshops are easy to set up and cost next to nothing, unlike eBay shop or a retail website which come with web-hosting fees and complex credit card transactions.

Their reported income ranges from $100 to $200 per month with a few getting close to a $1K.

So my dear friend, blogging does make money but it does help that you are interested in it and familiar with the Internet and social networking, which today teenagers are born into such facilities.

Ok, coming back to your blog or virtual shop.

I just spent hours in front of the TV over the past few days or evenings to revamp my virtual shops.

What do I mean?

If you are new, you should have at least 10 postings and continue to make postings to your blog every other day if not daily. This is almost equivalent to stocking up your physical shop. Or rather some gurus will say Content is the key to you success.

Yes, I totally agree that your blog must have content else why would a visitor drop by.

Eg. If your blog is on designer shoes then you must have content that will interest your visitors to come into your virtual shop. Next, if you have a product or service to sell, hopefully, you can convert the visit to a sale. If no such offer, then you will have to resort to Affiliate Marketing; ie to sell other people's product and make commission. Other than this, I strongly believe that you must also put Adsense into your blog; ie advertisements by Google and if the visitor click on it, you can also get some commission.

I actually spent my initial 2-3 months learning and slowly building up my blog and make posting almost daily and build it up to about 100 postings before I focus on traffic generation, SEO and Adsense income.


This is equivalent to setting up your shop; acquire your shop space, renovate it, get stocks in, etc.... before opening the shop officially.

I will share with you another of my Adsense resource that has helped me earned some income.

I have mentioned Atomic Blogging in my earlier post so if you have missed it, go and have a look as it should help you as it has for me.

Back to maintianing my other blogs and watching the Olympic again.....hee...heee After all, once in 4 years only!

Take care!


Monday, August 11, 2008

Writing Posts for Your Blog - Ezine Article Directory


One of the basic things to do is to write often or make postings to your blog every other day or daily when you first start your blog.


This is to attract the search engines or spiders like Google, Yahoo, etc....
They like to see that your blog is active and they will monitor your blog activities or updates or postings. This will help to generate traffic to your blog.

Ok, I think you will also face the same problem as I did.

How to write so much on a niche product or market?

Well, let me share with you a little secret now. Go to article directories like eZines to pick up articles related to your product. Copy and paste them into your blog but must not alter them and make sure you copy the writer bio box at the end which normally link to their blog or site or a sale page.

So it works both ways, you get free articles to help you look good in your blog and at the same time, you may be helping to generate traffic to their sites. It is a situation of you scratch my back and I will scratch yours.

One of the most popular article directory is

Of course, you can also be writing articles to attract traffic to your site too. I will talk about it later.

So work on your blog and try this method of populating your blog regularly.

I was just talking to my friend who has a sudden surge in his Adsense earnings.The reasons are that he started a new blog on a niche market and he also put in efforts to make frequent postings into this new blog. He was asking me how to set up channels in Adsense to monitor which blog is generating his earnings.

In case, you are still a bit lost on what is this Adsense about. Look at the right column and find the heading Ads by Google. This is the advertisements generated by Google after you have opened an account with them and get their html codes to paste into your blog. Once you get it, it is not difficult and just do it once and then maybe move them a bit , if necessary.

Ok, hope I have shared with you more information to help you proceed further with your blogging.

I think I need to slack a bit on this blog as I better channel more efforts into maintaining my other blogs and sites to catch up with my earnings. My dear friend has given me some motivation and I feel challenge to catch up on my earnings or do better than him...ha..ha...ha...

Also, I am distracted by watching the Olympic games 'live' ....

Must do some planning and manage my time better.

Stay Focus and Plan my IM tasks to coincide with the Olympic games!

( A few records have been broken in the swimming events and these are only achievable through sheer hard work and training. So similarly, if you do not work hard and smart too in your Internet Marketing business, do not expect earnings to come in automatically... )



Sunday, August 10, 2008

Some Help For Your Blogging - Atomic Blogging


I hope you are doing well with your blogging.

Well, if still struggling and not sure where to start..... and need further assistance.... here are some advices for you to consider.

You can either buy or borrow some books on Blogging from your nearest community library. Borrow first and then if you really like a specific book that you think you want to keep long-term for reference then buy it.

Most books are a bit wordy and if you are really a newbie or novice, you may struggle reading it and then trying to put them into actions.

Though I attended a workshop that was very hands-on and got my blog working during the workshop, I did looked for books on blogging on Blogger or Wordpress ( using a paid blogging facility ).


This is to re-confirm that I am blogging correctly and have not overlooked anything or features that I should be taking advantage of. As such, besides browsing at books for additional information, I came across a helpful eBook on blogging by a proven and down-to-earth guru. I bought his manual and implemented a few tips and I got my traffic moving up and I have been working hard to keep growing my traffic.

Here is a snapshot of one of my sites traffic statistics by Cpanel :

I have my blogs and site up and and running in Dec 2007 but was distracted by Xmas and New Year holidays. So in Mar 08, I reviewed my progress and made some plans to push my IM business harder.

I needed to re-comfirm that my blogs are heading in the right directions so I found and bought Atomic Blogging. I implemented a few tips and my traffic doubled from Feb to Mar as shown above.

It was very encouraging and I was extremely excited and I also noticed that my Adsense earnings were also coming in. In fact, Adsense income was trickling in Dec 07 but it became evident in Mar 08.

So Atomic Blogging has been a good investment and so much cheaper that the IM programme I bought in Dec 07.

Atomic Blogging was written in a tutorial format and easy to understand and follow, for beginners like me.

Atomic Blogging covers the following topics ;

- Powerful Tips on Dos & Donts on Blogging

- Getting Started with Blogging

- Building your Business with Market & Keyword Research

- Setting Up a Profitable Blog to Generate Cash Online

- Optimizing your Blog to Perform

- Powerful Tips on Blogging

- Monetizing your Blog

- Getting Traffic and Really Lots of It

- Leveraging on Web 2.0 & Social Networks

- Advanced Traffic Tips & Bonus Chapters

This is definitely a better Buy than the one I got in Dec 07, if you have read my earlier posting and it is so much cheaper and effective.

Well, review on your blogging progress and then think about what I have shared with you above.

Stay Focus, Have a Plan and Just Do It!

( BTW, I am writing this posting while watching the Olympic Ladies Volleyball match on TV. It was a great opening ceremony last night especially the lighting up of the torch in the last segment. )

Goodnite & take care!


Saturday, August 9, 2008

Uploading Photos into your Blog


As you have read my blog so far, there are lots of words and no pictures so it could be a bit boring ....

So depending on the product you are marketing, you must learn to upload photos which is pretty simple once you have got it.

So do try it out...

Here are a few photos that I copied from the Olympic official website in case some of you missed the opening last night, just as an example. ( Of course, be wary of copyrights issue and not upload other people published photos. )

The lighting of the torch was quite a fantastic stunt indeed !

The little boy with Yao Ming, was one of the many earthquake victims rescued from the Sichuan disaster...

Friday, August 8, 2008

Have You Blogged or Watching Olympics on TV?


I am watching the Olympic Opening ceremony 'Live' on TV now....!

Well, so have you managed to start your first blog?

If not, today is a good day as it is 08 - 08 - 08; an auspicious day!

I received an email from one of the many gurus and he was mentioning that he received quite a bit of feedback from people complaining that they are not making money from Internet Marketing after buying numerous IM product and services. So he asked them for their websites to have a look and guess what were the replies..?

They do not have a website done yet..!!!

So all the learning and money spent on IM product and services are wasted if you do not take action...!!!

Blogging or maintaining a paid website on a hosting server is a basic tool if you want to be an Internet Marketer.

I hope I have given you a kick in the butt to get you going....ha...ha...

But if you still think you need help but have not managed to attend a workshop to jump start your journey or it is a bit too costly for you then I will share another tip with you tomorrow as it is getting late after watching the Olympic opening ceremony.... past mid-night for me and my dear wife is calling me to bed....!!

So catch you tomorrow!

Be ready to start your journey if you are still pondering or lost at the moment...

BTW, the lighting up the Olympic torch at the end was fantastic... I will upload it into this blog if you missed it. This is also another skill you should learned too for your blogging.



Thursday, August 7, 2008

Adsense Earnings


My friend just emailed me that he got a sudden surge in his Adsense earnings recently.

I asked him what he has been doing lately to his sites or blogs.

Guess what?

Instead of making one posting a week, he has been doing it 3 times a week.
He also created another blog on another potential niche area.

So hard work does pay after all..!

Though we attended the same workshop, we have taken different routes as Internet Marketers in our own area of comfort.

Though the earnings are still small but they are slowly coming in as we continue to try new methods and keep on improving our business models.

To-date, I have already shared with you one business model; ie writing PLR articles for sale in Warrior Special Offer Forum. Please read my earlier posting on this subject.

Stay tune.... as I will also share with you the other IM business models that I have tried.



Start Blogging Now!


I strongly suggest that you should start blogging now, whether it is for fun or out of curiosity or serious Internet Marketing purposes.

I actually started blogging about 4 years ago and it was more to try it out and I was using it to post some updates on the family so that my brother and sister families, who are living overseas, can be informed of our well being and activities.

Of course, I did not touch on very personal or sensitive matters of the family and also not comments on politics or religion etc .....

I was not using Blogger but chose another free blogging facility. I was not aware of the Adsense mechanism but notice that the Ads by Google changed based on the postings I was making. I was just writing and uploading photos for the past 2-3 years until I attended the IM workshop and switched to Blogger.

BTW, I found out that my siblings were not looking at my blog regularly but I have a following from a handful of friends instead. Basically, I talked a lot on my growing son and my 2 dogs. Also, on the EPL matches then. I have friends emailing me that I have not updated my blog regularly and they missed reading it....ha...ha....

Okay, enough of my personal experience but I hope I have created some interest in you to start blogging.

If you are totally new to blogging, here is my advice or guideline to start you off.

If you are reading this blog, you already have access to Internet. You need to register and create the following to start blogging :

1. Create a Gmail email ID ( if you do not have one yet ) at
2. Register into Blogger at
3. Start writing your posts

Try out the features or functions in Blogger; eg upload digital images.

What to blog or write?

Well, think of one of your hobbies like gardening, reading, movies, etc.... but write about the same subject so that you can use this blog to apply for Adsense account later.

That is all you need to do a simple blog but this is the basic tool that you must know if you want to be an Internet Marketer.

I hope I have got you to start blogging....!

Have fun and happy blogging!


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Internet Marketing Resources


What do I mean by Internet Marketing Resources?

Well, if you search the Internet, a lot of related Internet Marketing information will be thrown at you; eg. services like mentoring you, IM tool and products, etc...

Through the workshop, I was introduced to a few sites and registered for a JV Giveaways. All you need to do is to register yourself and as it was in Dec 2007, it was named Christmas Giveaways. You will be given access to a website to download a lot of PLR articles, software, Free reports, etc....

Basically, the Internet Marketers participating in this JV Giveaway, are giving you something and enlisting you into their subscriber lists.

Get it?

You get something Free and in return they want you to submit your name and email address to them. Subsequently, they will email you to promote their other products.

If you are a newbie or novice and searching for the magic bullet to making money in IM, you are sure to get suck into it....Ha..ha...

Do not get me wrong, I am not saying it is wrong or bad but just sharing with you what I went through and preparing you for it.

You must try to be selective on what are the freebies you want and not spend your whole day registering and downloading all the stuff they offered. Yes, they all look attractive as it is FREE!

I think I have downloaded so much that I still have not look at all of them today.

And I was invited to participate in the recent Easter Giveaway too but I have nothing to offer as I still have no unique or own product to sell so no free report to advertise my product. I also stayed away from getting into it and spend my time browsing through all the giveaways.

Remember, stay focus on what you are doing and just do it!

Example. If you are working on Article Marketing then research and look into this area and not be distracted by SEO techniques, etc either in the giveaway or sale emails that you are receiving.

Do not get astray by all these freebies!

I believe that most of these giveaways are old stuff and the free reports are just marketing tools to get you interested or for cross-selling purposes. The target audience is really new Internet Marketers.

Maybe it is still good for you to go into one of them and be aware of it but remember to stay focus and take it as a learning experience.

After the December giveaway, I have to filter all the emails into junk emails or just moved selected ones into a special folder that I may one day want to look at else will be deleted.

Get what I am trying to say?

You only have limited hours to devote yourself to being an Internet Marketer, whether you are part-time or full-time so you must use the time wisely.

I also made a small investment in purchasing an Internet Marketing programme from one of the top IM gurus. I remembered that he was highly recommended during the workshop and there was a USD100 discount... some good sale gimmick that caught me off guard, looking back...ha...ha...!

Also, I was given a trial period to be part of their club etc.... but I lost track of it and was debitted for a few months until I queried and then terminated my membership. So do be careful as it may not be cheap! If you have your product set up and your site running by then, it may be worthwhile for you to be a member and get some advice or consultation etc....

The materials I received were impressive; a box containing 2 manuals in nice solid binders and a set of CDs too. To be honest, I tried to go through them but only 1/2 of the first manual and then went back to maintaining my sites and focusing on specific areas that I am exploring. I am now using them as reference instead but also seldom used...ha..ha....

So was it a bad investment?

Well, I am sure that there is a lot of information but then I cannot afford to be reading the manuals and viewing the CDs as I have to be hands-on too. If you have a budget and can afford it, then it is reasonable as you do need some assurance that what you are doing is in the right direction. So decide on what you want to buy to guide you and then use it accordingly.

You definitely need to resist from buying too much Internet Marketing resources as their sale page or sale letter is very seductive and you feel like buying everything eventhough they have a 100% refund policy.

Nothing to lose if there is a 100% refund policy or guarantee, right?

But if you ended up with so many resources and information to digest, you are likely to be lost and then forgot where you bought this from, and you may also feel guilty that it is your own fault and not the seller fault so not right to ask for refund..?

So in conclusion, there are many Internet Marketing resources out there so do be selective and stay focus on your journey.

Good luck and take care!

The Warrior Forum - Special Offers


During the workshop, we were introoduced to The Warrior Forum.

So what is this forum?

There are lots of information on Internet Marketing and you can practically spend the whole day going through them.

But what I want to share with you is what I learned from an actual hand-ons exercise we did and the result was that my group really earned some money which we did not expect initially.

We were told to write 5 articles each and sell them on the Warrior Special Offers Forum with Private Label Rights (PLR). For those that could not write, they could consider outsourcing them after selecting a topic.

Honestly, not many students in the workshop took it seriously except me and another team member and I led the whole exercise. I learned a lot as I have to write the sales page, landing page, etc.... and learned some basic html codes. I went through the whole process of setting up the sales page to downloading the articles upon payment through Paypal mechanism. This exercise gave me the confidence and it actually laid the foundation for my subsequent work that I need to put up.

Not only did I learned a lot and mastered some coding and techniques, we actually made some profit too! This came as a surprise as we did not expect the articles that we wrote may be of value but I think we chose the right topic and the articles were really originally written based on our thoughts.

Let me share with you this great feeling of seeing some money coming in. After posting our sales page, I got a few emails that payment have been made to my account from purchases made in the Warrior Special Offers Forum . It was so exciting to see such emails and I cried for joy as we never expect to make any sale but took it as a learning process. Even my wife and son were happy and excited by this episode.

The best part of it is that it is fully automated; while you are sleeping, people can go into the forum and make purchases and you just received an email from Paypal that the money have been received. Even the downloading of the articles in softcopy is automated, provided you know how to do it else you will have to manually send it to them based on the Paypal payment notice.

It also proved that this is a working business model if you can write articles and sell them but you must still choose the right topic or niche market for it.

You can check out this website to see to have a look at how to go into this business model, if you think you have a flair for writing articles or think that you can make money from it :

I bought something from Rosie and she has been keeping me in her subscriber's list. In fact, just buying a set of PLR from her, I also learned the process of placing an order, making payment thro' Paypal and downloading the softcopy of the product purchased. I also set up my own virtual shop based on her site too.

Well, here is a potential Internet Marketing business model that you can tap on. It may not suit everyone though.


I was encouraged by this exercise and we really saw some money ( we split the profit before the workshop ended as the there is a period for the sale in the forum ). So I tried writing articles again in January 2008, 2 months later.

Sad to say that I did not make any profit this round. I have to paid USD20 to put up my articles for sale but only managed to make 2 sales only.

So does it mean that this business model is no good?

No, I chose the wrong topic to write my articles. I may try it again when I have found a niche market or topic that I think the people would buy.

Look at what Roise has written and it is quite varied. Also,she has set up a virtual shop and not rely on the The Warrior Specil Offers Forum alone.

So do check out The Warrior Forum - Special Offers as there are a lot of information available there but remember to remain focus; ie go in and read the relevant topic that you are working on and not get lost into the mass of information there.

One last piece of advice for you, I do not recommend outsourcing your writing of the articles until you have experience in this business model and also know who to look for else you may be paying a lot and getting 'shit' work.

Good luck!


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Internet Marketer Workshop


So what did we learn in the Internet Marketer workshop that was held in one weekday evening and one full day on Saturday?

There were about 10 sessions, I think.

We covered the following topics :

- Domain name
- Web Hosting
- Blogger
- Wordpress
- Adsense
- Adwords
- Private Label Rights (PLR)
- Ezine articles
- Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
- Traffic generation techniques
- Affiliate Marketing
- ClickBank, Commission Junction, etc...
- .......

I am just giving you a idea of the coverage but some are just talk about only whereas some were actually hands-on and if you worked on it during and after the workshop, you could actually see the outcome of your efforts ( ie. outcome refers to something tangible or visible that you have created on the Internet and not immediate income).

Importantly, if you followed closely to the workshop and did your homework like me, there would be some reasonable outcome. I actually was very prpepared for the workshop by thinking of what product or industry that I would want to explore and I used it during the workshop.

As a result, the blog and website have been maintained till today and I have built it up to 500+ postings and have a Page Rank of 2 by Google, which is pretty good but being in a very competitive industry, I am making very little money from it!

During the workshop, so many business models or approaches were introduced and one could get lost and stuck. Some started to feel the heat and complained that so much work required and no guarantee to see the money coming in.

Yes, this is just like any other business out there and there is no magic bullet!

So you must stay focus and learn as much as you can and then just work hard on it. If I may borrow Nike slogan, Just Do It!

And once you have done it, it does not seems so difficult. What you do not know, it is always difficult.

I strongly suggest that you choose a product or market that you are familiar with to start your first blog or website and take it as a learning period before you embark on a more income generating niche. It would make the journey more bearable.

I started on a market that I am interested in or have some experience and now looking for a more income inclined niche or what the potential customers out there want.

As suggested by my instructor, I should be promoting what the public want and not what I like or enjoy doing; eg if there is a market or great interest in Wii gaming then I should work on it even if I am not into in such gaming.

So food for thought?

You may be trained to set up a blog or website and have some knowledge in SEO etc.... but what is your niche product or market?



Monday, August 4, 2008

How to Jump Start in Becoming An Internet Marketer


So if you are still interested in becoming an Internet Marketer, how to best go about it instead of trial and error?

You can read about it from books or the Internet, or get a friend who is willing to hold your hand ( honestly, hard to come by such friends as they are too busy! ), or pay for a professional mentor to start you off , or attend a workshop to cut down the learning curve.

Just reading from books or doing research from the Internet is tough as you will get so much info that you are likely to end up in a confusion.

Not many friends who are already into Internet or Affiliate Marketing, will have the time to guide you but they can talk about it and leave you hanging in the clouds instead. This is a reality!

There are so many Internet Marketing gurus and you are lost to who should be your mentor ( and it is likely to be not cheap too..... or there are conditions attached to it...... there are such offers if you look hard enough and happen to be in the same vicinity of the guru; eg. one of the many cities in US or Canada).

Unless you have been in this business for sometime and you realised that you need some professional help to just steer you on the right track, I think this is a good option but not for a novice or beginner. You may not be able to keep up with their pace unless you have a reasonable background of IT and Internet Marketing jargon.

So I think the best option is to shop for a workshop for Interneting Marketing and have hands-on to learn the trade. My friend and I attended such a workshop which cost us a few thousand dollars and the basic item required is a notebook with wireless connection to a router.

Why a workshop will give you a head start?

If you choose the appropriate workshop similar to the one I attended, I was taught the basic of Internet Marketing processes and tools required; eg buy a domain name and subscribe to a server host service, register for Paypal, etc..... I was actually creating a blog or website and starting a business during the workshop. It is real and not trial basis. You can see results of you posting and traffic etc......

At the end of the workshop, I decided to continue building up my website and have made 500+ postings and my site has a Page Rank of 2 by Google!

Exciting isn't it?

But since I have chosen a very competitive industry or market, I have made very little money to-date! I have been using this site to try out the various business models that I have learned during the workshop and on my own after that.

If I can find a niche product or market, I can easily repeat the processes that I have done so far and the money may just roll in.....

Honestly, I am still trying out different approaches and looking for one that will meet my targetted income; my realistic goal set!

I must also share with you that if you are not serious and have no time to follow-up what you have learned in the workshop, you will not gain from it and will feel frustrated.

I was alaways fired up after the workshop and would work on my website and tried out the process or method taught during the workshop. I would somehow find that hour or more to work on it and many a times; it could mean working on it from 11pm to 1am..!

You need to be that fire up or 'hungry' for it else you will be complaining that it is not easy and does not work, etc...... , asking the instructor when will the $$ come in if I did this and that....!

A classmate in my group in the workshop, commented that the workshop really taught him exactly what to do compared to a seminar where they talk a lot of theory and impressive results in terms of income generated by the methodologies used in the market.

Unfortunately, he was also one of the many in the workshop that did not have the time to work on the homework given or the website that we each have created. In fact, the last I heard of him is that he has given up on Internet Marketing as it requires too much hard work and he has explored other avenues like trading on the stock market. He boasted that he made a few hundred dollars already but to me it is too high risk and the stake is not in my comfort zone.

On a positive note, a friend confided in me that he made USD200 monthly after working on his affiliate marketing for 2 years on a part-time basis. And he is now trying to increase his earnings using Adwords. But he never shared how he did it etc.... and just let me guessing about it. This conversation happened just after I have signed up for my Internet Marketing workshop and he was not aware of it then.

I hope I have given you some good advice on how to get a head start in becoming an Internet Marketer.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Internet Marketer - A Serious Vocation


Before you jump into becoming an Internet Marketer, I must caution you that being an Internet Marketer is a serious and not easy job and definitely, you have to work hard for the $$ to come in.

In fact, working hard is no guarantee for money to come into your pockets too!

It is just like any other businesses out there...!

Why do I say that when you see the advertisements on how easy it is to make thousands of dollars a month or when Internet Marketing gurus wanting to teach you or mentor you in this business venture?

A handful of us will make it and many will not, I believe. Just like any other businesses out there; eg. sports shop, restaurants, drinks stalls like bubble tea,...

First of all, you must have something to sell to your potential customers out there!

Even if you want to do affiliate marketing, ie selling other people products for a commission, you must choose the right product that people want and you are also competing with other affiliate marketers who are more established than you.

SO you must be wondering then why I am still continuing as an Internet Marketer?

Firstly, I believe that doing business through the Internet is the right way to venture into business. Even today, a lot of established companies have to make their presence known in the Internet, a space they cannot ignored.

Secondly, I can work from the comfort of my home whether it is full-time or part-time basis. Even when I was holidaying in Australia last month, I was able to gain access to the Internet and continue with my business. It is running 7x24 even when I am sleeping and my customers are worldwide; ie when I sleep, other people in the world are waking up and they can access my blogs or websites; unlike a physical shop where I need to open and man the shop.

Thirdly, the capital setup and running cost are low or manageable. The risk is low. So if it is not successful, I just closed my Internet accounts. This is assuming that you did not throw in a lot of money to oursource your work; eg paying professional writers and web designers to maintain your websites, etc...

Lastly, I have interest and passion to become an Internet Marketer. This is very important as it will see you through when things are not working but you are still enjoying your Interneting Marketing work. Also, it may help if you set realistic goals and aim for it.

I shared the above with my siblings and a few friends on how attractive the Internet Marketing opportunities are available but they did not have the interest and passion for it so they did not even bother to find out more or give it a try.

I do not blame them as it does requires a lot of hard work too and I cannot guarantee that the money will come in a few months' time.

So my dear friend, I hope you get what I am trying to share with you. If you are looking for quick business opportunity and easy money in becoming an Internet Marketer, think about it again.

But for those who are still keen and prepared to go down this journey, I will share with you some of the business models that I have tried and hopefully, it will shorten your learning curve and help you achieve your realistic goals faster.

You may wonder why am I doing this?

Well, I have this philosophy of sharing what I know as I have never felt threaten by anyone that could do better than me or be more successful.

Besides, knowing the business models or the processes will not take you there as ultimately, you must find a niche market or product to sell.

Good luck to us, up and coming Internet Marketers!


Saturday, August 2, 2008

Why Internet Marketer


So why was I interested in becoming an Internet Marketer?

During the preview, I was sold on the potential of making big $$ doing business from the comfort of your home using the Internet...!

You too..., right?

But seriously, the main attraction is the low capital setup required. What do I mean?

All you need are the following basic items :

- PC or notebook
- Internet connection, Broadband preferred
- Low budget of a few $K; eg. attend an IM workshop, buy domain name, server subscription, buy a few IM products

If you are doing a normal business that need a physical store and products, the operating costs like shop or office rental and purchase of goods will form a huge part of your business budget plan.

Whereas in Internet Marketing, you start off from your home using your already owned PC & Braodband connection ( if you do not have them, then your cost will incur a one-time cost of a new PC or notebook and recurring cost of Broadband connection which is still going to be much cheaper than your recurring rental cost ).

After 10 months now, I think I have not spent more than $5K and the most costlier item is the workshop to cut short my learning curve in becoming an Internet Marketer.

Now, isnt't this business venture attractive? Though I still have not made much profit as at today.

Of course, to be honest, I am not depending on this Internet Marketing business to provide 3 meals for my family and I.

In conclusion, I find that becoming an Internet Marketer gives me a chance to go into business and become an enterpreneur without much capital and taking lesser risk.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Introduction to An Internet Marketer


I started venturing into Internet Marketing (IM) by accident last Sept 2007.

A friend asked me to accompany him to attend a preview on IM workshop and we ended up registering for it after the talk that evening.

So here we are, almost 1 year into IM and still struggling to earn some decent $$ to-date.

I thought I will record my journey into IM and just share my experiences and thoughts on it. If it benefits someone then so be it otherwise I hope to also caution those of you who may think that IM is a money spinner. Sorry to disappoint you!

Having said that, do not get me wrong that I am giving up on IM. In fact, I have been sharing the potential of IM with those interested especially those who are not employed or working part-time and have some time on hand and interested in IM. As for me, I am still continuing with what I have built up to-date and continuing to improve my IM business.

I am not an IM guru but I definitely have tried some of the IM business models during these months and I can share them with you.

So stay tuned if you are interested to know what I have gone through since I started in IM 10 months ago.

I am reflecting on my journey and not going into details or giving you instructions or tutorial on how to go about doing things; eg how to apply for a domain name, setting up a blog......

More of it later....
