Monday, August 4, 2008

How to Jump Start in Becoming An Internet Marketer


So if you are still interested in becoming an Internet Marketer, how to best go about it instead of trial and error?

You can read about it from books or the Internet, or get a friend who is willing to hold your hand ( honestly, hard to come by such friends as they are too busy! ), or pay for a professional mentor to start you off , or attend a workshop to cut down the learning curve.

Just reading from books or doing research from the Internet is tough as you will get so much info that you are likely to end up in a confusion.

Not many friends who are already into Internet or Affiliate Marketing, will have the time to guide you but they can talk about it and leave you hanging in the clouds instead. This is a reality!

There are so many Internet Marketing gurus and you are lost to who should be your mentor ( and it is likely to be not cheap too..... or there are conditions attached to it...... there are such offers if you look hard enough and happen to be in the same vicinity of the guru; eg. one of the many cities in US or Canada).

Unless you have been in this business for sometime and you realised that you need some professional help to just steer you on the right track, I think this is a good option but not for a novice or beginner. You may not be able to keep up with their pace unless you have a reasonable background of IT and Internet Marketing jargon.

So I think the best option is to shop for a workshop for Interneting Marketing and have hands-on to learn the trade. My friend and I attended such a workshop which cost us a few thousand dollars and the basic item required is a notebook with wireless connection to a router.

Why a workshop will give you a head start?

If you choose the appropriate workshop similar to the one I attended, I was taught the basic of Internet Marketing processes and tools required; eg buy a domain name and subscribe to a server host service, register for Paypal, etc..... I was actually creating a blog or website and starting a business during the workshop. It is real and not trial basis. You can see results of you posting and traffic etc......

At the end of the workshop, I decided to continue building up my website and have made 500+ postings and my site has a Page Rank of 2 by Google!

Exciting isn't it?

But since I have chosen a very competitive industry or market, I have made very little money to-date! I have been using this site to try out the various business models that I have learned during the workshop and on my own after that.

If I can find a niche product or market, I can easily repeat the processes that I have done so far and the money may just roll in.....

Honestly, I am still trying out different approaches and looking for one that will meet my targetted income; my realistic goal set!

I must also share with you that if you are not serious and have no time to follow-up what you have learned in the workshop, you will not gain from it and will feel frustrated.

I was alaways fired up after the workshop and would work on my website and tried out the process or method taught during the workshop. I would somehow find that hour or more to work on it and many a times; it could mean working on it from 11pm to 1am..!

You need to be that fire up or 'hungry' for it else you will be complaining that it is not easy and does not work, etc...... , asking the instructor when will the $$ come in if I did this and that....!

A classmate in my group in the workshop, commented that the workshop really taught him exactly what to do compared to a seminar where they talk a lot of theory and impressive results in terms of income generated by the methodologies used in the market.

Unfortunately, he was also one of the many in the workshop that did not have the time to work on the homework given or the website that we each have created. In fact, the last I heard of him is that he has given up on Internet Marketing as it requires too much hard work and he has explored other avenues like trading on the stock market. He boasted that he made a few hundred dollars already but to me it is too high risk and the stake is not in my comfort zone.

On a positive note, a friend confided in me that he made USD200 monthly after working on his affiliate marketing for 2 years on a part-time basis. And he is now trying to increase his earnings using Adwords. But he never shared how he did it etc.... and just let me guessing about it. This conversation happened just after I have signed up for my Internet Marketing workshop and he was not aware of it then.

I hope I have given you some good advice on how to get a head start in becoming an Internet Marketer.

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