One of the basic things to do is to write often or make postings to your blog every other day or daily when you first start your blog.
This is to attract the search engines or spiders like Google, Yahoo, etc....
They like to see that your blog is active and they will monitor your blog activities or updates or postings. This will help to generate traffic to your blog.
Ok, I think you will also face the same problem as I did.
How to write so much on a niche product or market?
Well, let me share with you a little secret now. Go to article directories like eZines to pick up articles related to your product. Copy and paste them into your blog but must not alter them and make sure you copy the writer bio box at the end which normally link to their blog or site or a sale page.
So it works both ways, you get free articles to help you look good in your blog and at the same time, you may be helping to generate traffic to their sites. It is a situation of you scratch my back and I will scratch yours.
One of the most popular article directory is http://ezinearticles.com/
Of course, you can also be writing articles to attract traffic to your site too. I will talk about it later.
So work on your blog and try this method of populating your blog regularly.
I was just talking to my friend who has a sudden surge in his Adsense earnings.The reasons are that he started a new blog on a niche market and he also put in efforts to make frequent postings into this new blog. He was asking me how to set up channels in Adsense to monitor which blog is generating his earnings.
In case, you are still a bit lost on what is this Adsense about. Look at the right column and find the heading Ads by Google. This is the advertisements generated by Google after you have opened an account with them and get their html codes to paste into your blog. Once you get it, it is not difficult and just do it once and then maybe move them a bit , if necessary.
Ok, hope I have shared with you more information to help you proceed further with your blogging.
I think I need to slack a bit on this blog as I better channel more efforts into maintaining my other blogs and sites to catch up with my earnings. My dear friend has given me some motivation and I feel challenge to catch up on my earnings or do better than him...ha..ha...ha...
Also, I am distracted by watching the Olympic games 'live' ....
Must do some planning and manage my time better.
Stay Focus and Plan my IM tasks to coincide with the Olympic games!
( A few records have been broken in the swimming events and these are only achievable through sheer hard work and training. So similarly, if you do not work hard and smart too in your Internet Marketing business, do not expect earnings to come in automatically... )
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