Thursday, August 14, 2008

Your Blog - Virtual Shop


So are you distracted by the ongoing Olympics?

Well, let me remind you that your blog is actually your virtual shop so you still need to manage it and not take too long a break.....!

The good part of this business is that you do not need to go down to your shop physically to open it and man it. You can do it from the comfort of your home or even in public places where Internet is accessible and this virtual shop of yours is running 7 days a week and 24 hours a day ( ie 7 x 24 )!

There is a newspaper article reporting on what they call Blogshops. Enterprising teenagers are setting up blogshops to sell almost anything, new world of doing business online. Blogshops are easy to run, cheap and fun so most teens are turning online enterpreneurs.....

The paper reported that 40% of the blogspots surveyed are runned by teens. About 40% spent 4-10 hours a week maintaining their sites. Over 30% pour more than 20 hours a week into their businesses.

So what are their products?

They sell everything from 2nd hand clothes to customized shoes and handmade jewellery.

Blogshops are easy to set up and cost next to nothing, unlike eBay shop or a retail website which come with web-hosting fees and complex credit card transactions.

Their reported income ranges from $100 to $200 per month with a few getting close to a $1K.

So my dear friend, blogging does make money but it does help that you are interested in it and familiar with the Internet and social networking, which today teenagers are born into such facilities.

Ok, coming back to your blog or virtual shop.

I just spent hours in front of the TV over the past few days or evenings to revamp my virtual shops.

What do I mean?

If you are new, you should have at least 10 postings and continue to make postings to your blog every other day if not daily. This is almost equivalent to stocking up your physical shop. Or rather some gurus will say Content is the key to you success.

Yes, I totally agree that your blog must have content else why would a visitor drop by.

Eg. If your blog is on designer shoes then you must have content that will interest your visitors to come into your virtual shop. Next, if you have a product or service to sell, hopefully, you can convert the visit to a sale. If no such offer, then you will have to resort to Affiliate Marketing; ie to sell other people's product and make commission. Other than this, I strongly believe that you must also put Adsense into your blog; ie advertisements by Google and if the visitor click on it, you can also get some commission.

I actually spent my initial 2-3 months learning and slowly building up my blog and make posting almost daily and build it up to about 100 postings before I focus on traffic generation, SEO and Adsense income.


This is equivalent to setting up your shop; acquire your shop space, renovate it, get stocks in, etc.... before opening the shop officially.

I will share with you another of my Adsense resource that has helped me earned some income.

I have mentioned Atomic Blogging in my earlier post so if you have missed it, go and have a look as it should help you as it has for me.

Back to maintianing my other blogs and watching the Olympic again.....hee...heee After all, once in 4 years only!

Take care!


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