Wednesday, September 3, 2008

You Need A Niche Product or Market


My friend who attended the same IM workshop with me last year and also earning a bit more than me in his Adsense, visited me yesterday afternoon.

We have a chat and compared notes on what we have been doing and how to increase our earnings, of course.

In the process of showing him all my blogs and my efforts in Affiliate Marketing, Adsense, etc.... we both realized that I have done much more than him but somehow his IM income is more than mine!

While luck may be an element in it, I come to the conclusion that his product is more niche and so have more sale conversion event though his traffic is less than mine too..!

So what does it mean?

Well, I am going away for the weekend and will return next week fresh in my mind with a new strategy to work on......

No excuses but my Dad is visiting me and has been staying with me for a week now, and I have been taking him out daily. Sso what I have been doing is just to keep up with my posting and monitoring the traffic generated, which was the highest to-date ( read my earlier posting ).

So got to pack for my short holiday now.... flying off tomorrow morning!

Take care!


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