Friday, October 3, 2008

Google Adsense PIN


I just received a mail from Google to activate my payment process by entering a pin in my Adsense account.

This is to enable Google to send me my payment for the earnings from my Adsense.

I am sure looking forward to my first cheque payment from them.....

So my friends, income from Google Adsense is a simple and proven IM business model.

However, it is not a guarantee source of income as you need to blog and attract visitors into your sites and hopefully, you have something to offer and they will also click on your published Google Ads.

Sorry, no free lunch here....

BUT it definitely works as my first Adsense income started coming in the first few months of my blogging. Then you need to work harder to grow your income...

It is like putting a seed into the soil, water it daily and then a plant emerges from it. Whether it will grow tall and strong will depends on the effort you have put in maintaining the plant, Hopefully, it will eventually bear you some fruits and either many fruits or one big fruit...!

Have a good weekend!


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