Friday, October 10, 2008

Niche Product or Keywords

I have been spending a lot of time researching for niche products and keywords lately and I feel that I have bought the right tool to help me compare to my previous approaches of going to use the searches natively and then do your own computation or anlaysis.

I also bought a cheap tool that did not work but I ask for a refund and got it immediately. I even suspected that it could be a scam. The reason being that it was so cheap and when I complained that it did not work, the seller just said that other buyers did not have my problem and did not offer any technical support. I suppose people like them may be hoping that since the purchase price is quite small or his claim that it works for others, the buyer will not pursue the matter further....?

So do be careful as there is not such thing as good and cheap..!

But at the end of the day , it is still a tool to help you and not a miracle finder for niche products to make money for you. You still have to spend time to do your research and then make some decision on whether you want to have a go at what you have researched.

Here is a screen print of the tool and to share with you the features that I find useful :

I key in what I want to search for and it will return a list of the related or relevant results with some statistics on the no. of searches and also a colour indicator, as shown on the extreme right, to help you gauge whether there is competition or a good choice to work on.

There is a guide to teach you on how to use these results generated and also videos on how to use the results you have chosen and how to put them into the Internet; eg using US Free Ads.

You can also download or extract the results into an Excel spreadsheet and work on it further, as shown below.

I was given 2 licences or key to activate the software. When I did some recovery on my notebook back to factory default, I used the 2nd key. I wrote to the software owner or seller about my situation , they activated my 1st key for use again.

So in my opinion, I feel this is a good tool and I am happy with it todate. In fact, in one of the expensive programmes being sold, this tool is given FREE and the company sent all the current buyers an email to explain his business collaboration and not that we have been conned.

So what are you waiting for...?

Check out this tool - the Micro Niche Finder NOW!


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